Movement Poetics #4

I don’t know how I should handle this. Can’t concetrate. There is no connection with my body.

What is this movement? Go slower! Do something quickly

empty space_ no thoughts

I don’t know what is good! I go home or I should stay here!

Leave the people behind. My family would be happy.

Ooops! That was a stick. Be careful where you put your feet.

My breath.

Don’t be stuck with your thoughts, breathe more.

What should I do with the broccoli? Give it to Biance? Or cook something?

Empty space_no thoughts

I’m out of shape. Fuck this quarantine.

What is Maria doing?

Shall i go back? again the same movements

ambivalence_ thinking_ while dancing_

thinking without dancing_ different directions_ Ok, I’m thinking

This doesn’t help_ Shall I show it through my movement?_

Different directions_ gestures_

gestures of ambivalence_ a rhythmicality through ambivalent gestures_

I know what I’m doing_this is a problem sometimes _

I know what I am doing while at the same time I don’t know what I do_

it’s a nice quality_ the core of my thoughts_

the core of my mental state is ambivalent_

how can I use it creatively and I wonder_

shall I try to change it? or shall I use it as a motivation for movement?

What is Adrian doing?

She is finished.

Ok, done. Let’s stop.

Yes, should be enough for now.

(without words)

Relations: Adrian and Maria

Time: March, 2020

Space: Sonsbek park, Arnhem


Movement Poetics #3


Movement Poetics #5